
The UK is home to World Class Universities providing outstanding teaching and research facilities. Higher Education plays a pivotal role in the development and vitality of UK economic growth, and the continued growth and development of the HE Sector is of paramount importance.

Increasingly HE providers are being tasked to do more with less, adapting to the need to operate under tighter budgets, whilst still providing the first-class facilities required by the Government, students, teaching professionals and the public.

A third of Workspace Technology’s business is within the Education Sector. We have delivered data centre solutions across multiple locations throughout the UK, with award-winning installations providing next generation energy efficient resilient infrastructure. By opting to choose us as your delivery partner we add value throughout our engagement with you, ensuring you provide world-class facilities that exceed the expectations of all.

How Workspace Technology Can Help

Need to achieve sustainability targets?

Efficiency – Energy efficiency technology sits at the core of our solutions and will fulfil your obligations regarding driving down CO2 emissions and delivering energy saving initiatives. We integrate the use of EcoDesign into our design and build process to deliver a ‘green’ data centre infrastructure assisting you in creating an eco-friendly image to attract funding and overseas students.

Timely tendering process?

Ease of Procurement – We are an NEUPC Framework Partner for the provision of Data Centre Design & Build and associated services thus eliminating the need to go through a PQQ process, saving you time and money.

Limited budget?

Funding Assistance – A complete range of leasing options are available as well as support to help you with the provision of information relating to financial assistance which is currently available through Government schemes including Salix and Carbon Trust.

Short on space?

Modular Solutions – Our pre-fabricated modular data centre solution can be constructed off-site, and by eliminating the need for traditional ‘bricks and mortar’ buildings it typically reduces overall capital expenditure by over 40%.

Contact us today to see how we can assist you with your Data Centre Infrastructure requirements. From design to completion you can be assured that you are in safe hands with Workspace Technology.