Rack Hosting Services > Support Services

Support Services

Colocation Support ServicesWorkspace Technology offers an extensive range of support services to assist clients with their colocation rack hosting functions.

Feasibility Study

Our team will review the feasibility for the relocation or upgrade of your current infrastructure. Our in-house experts will ensure everything runs smoothly, facilitating a seamless transition.

Project Implementation

Workspace Technology will provide a fully project managed service to ensure the smooth migration and transition of equipment and services to the data centre space.

Technical Support

Our onsite Engineers are trained to ensure that a high level of specialist technical knowledge is available. We can assist with first line fault diagnostics, tape backup activity and physical server installations and connectivity.

Optimisation Services

Using IT ‘Optimise’ software tools we can help clients increase utilisation of IT assets through accurate, detailed energy consumption profile of server-by-server and rack-by-rack.


Workspace Technology offers bespoke consultancy services enabling you to maximise efficiency, minimise operating costs and provide an unparalleled service through properly managed, designed and implemented colocation and data centre solutions.

Infrastructure Support

You can be reassured that infrastructure housing your equipment racks is covered by a comprehensive 24/7 service, support and optimisation plan that will be managed by our team of qualified and experience on-site Engineers.

Contact us for more information regarding our support services.